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PODCAST: Women CEOs Speak Podcast Series

Karen Boylston recommends

Updated: May 1, 2020


In the first installment of a new six-part podcast series, “Women CEOs Speak,” Evelyn Orr, chief operating officer for the Korn Ferry Institute, and Jane Stevenson, global leader for CEO Succession, dissect what they learned from conducting fascinating research, which has gained international attention, on the yawning gender gap in Corporate America.

Women make up 45% of the S&P 500’s workforce and they are CEOs at only 5% of those firms. Studies show that companies with disproportionately low numbers of women in leadership do not perform as well as those with a more balanced gender ratio. For years, boards have vowed to change that formulayet still it remains.

Part 1, “Women CEOs Speak: Research Foundations,” looks at common qualities shared by the women who became CEO. Look for future episodes at that focus on other critical issues, including how organizations can tap into 100% of their talent pool, how women can advance their careers, the pivotal roles of mentors, and strategies to deal with sexism in the workplace.

Listen to the podcast now:

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